Add New Device Models
Standard Service Level: $700
one-time charge
Premium Service Level: $1400
one-time charge
If you wish to connect a new model of device that is not already pre-approved, please contact us. The device must be LoRaWAN compliant and certified before it can be registered in our system and connected.
Add New Gateways Models
$1400 one-time charge
If you wish to connect a new model of gateway that is not already pre-approved, please contact us. The gateway must be LoRaWAN compliant and certified before it can be registered in our system and connected.
Self-Serve Platform Integration
No cost
You can connect to your platform using standard Webhook or MQTT integrations at no cost, as you can create and configure these integrations yourself using our application.
Custom Platform Integration
$175 / per hour
If a custom integration is required to connect to your platform, please contact us for a quote.
Advanced Dashboard Customisation
Only available on
Premium Service Level.
$175 per hour
If a custom dashboard is required to display your data in a different manner, please contact us for a quote.