Connect devices and automate workflows.

This is where little connections become huge

Scopious offers a platform designed to take the complexity out of setting up a LoRaWAN IoT network, allowing you to continue focusing on what’s important to you and your business.

Trusted by:

Outback Communications
Remote Networks
Ashley Communications
Logic Wireless

Key Features

The Things Industries

LoRaWAN Network Server

The Scopious Network

The key behind a great LoRaWAN network; is a great LoRaWAN network server, and a great team to back it up. Scopious operates a carrier-grade LoRaWAN Network Server backed by the commercial arm of The Things Industries.


This network server underpins The Scopious Network, a collaborative public LoRaWAN network, where coverage is created by you our customer, while the network server is managed by us at Scopious. Coverage on The Scopious Network is created and extended by customers like yourselves by purchasing and installing your own LoRaWAN gateways. This ensures you have coverage where you need it, and gateways are only added where and when necessary. This communal coverage approach keeps the cost of the Scopious network to a minimum (you’re not subsidising a nationwide network of expensive gateways that may be of little or no value), allowing us to provide you with a very cost-effective IoT network.


With this collaborative approach, the responsibilities of the network infrastructure are split between the customer (devices and gateways) and Scopious (network server and platform).

Onboarding your Gateways

Gateway Management

Gateways are the key to providing coverage and at Scopious we have made it a straightforward process to allow you to configure them and add them to The Scopious Network. Our field force onboarding tools help you through the steps required to set up and securely connect your gateways to our network server.

Key Features

Gateway Management App
Device Management App

Onboarding your Devices

Device Management

Anyone peeking under the hood of LoRaWAN can quickly see the complexity of provisioning and managing their IoT devices. This is where Scopious steps in to manage the complexity for you by providing field force onboarding tools to simplify the provisioning and monitoring of devices on the network. With the support of Go Wireless NZ, we can offer a single step device onboarding process by simply scanning the device QR code or entering the Device EUI.

Key Features

Visualise Data and Set-up Triggers with Dashboards

Data Management

At Scopious we offer two levels of service to manage the data from your devices. You have the option to forward your data to another platform of your choice, or entrust us with it where we will store it and provide dashboards to visualise it, or you can even do both.
At Scopious we firmly believe your data from your devices is your data and no one elses. Thus if you entrust us to manage and store your data, we promise not to share it unless you wish us to, or unless we are legally obliged to do so.

Key Features

Data Management App
More than just a platform

Why choose us


Tailor a LoRaWAN network to suit your needs, scalable for any industry and size solution.


Quick and easy access to everything you need, including the hardware required. Optional locally stored data for secure peace of mind.


Connect through collaboration with skilled technicians, consultants and loyal hardware vendor relationships backing you every step of the way.

Scopious IoT

+64 3 741 1335  |  [email protected]  |  North Canterbury, New Zealand